Santuario Maria Ss Annunziata
This sanctuary – which houses the sacred and precious marble simulacrum of the Madonna of Trapani – is an expression of the devotion of the Trapani people and their deep connection with the sea.
The fourteenth-century origins of this building of worship can be traced in the rose window and in the portal of the facade, although the reforms of the eighteenth century have distorted the overall appearance, along with the addition – in 1650 – of the Baroque bell tower.
The eighteenth-century reform project of Giovanni Biagio Amico is shown inside the building in all its splendour, with the single-nave plan of the large basilica hall and the chapels that develop longitudinally. The sanctuary still preserves traces of the devotion that comes from the sea. The most fascinating aspects of the sanctuary are: on the right the Fishermen’s Chapel (1486) with its Gothic-Chiaramontan portal and the 16th century frescoes with scenes from Genesis; on the left the Sailors’ Chapel (1514), a synthesis of styles between East and West that is characterized by the golden tuff that emerges.
Behind the high altar, the sumptuous chapel of the Madonna artistically expresses the essence of devotion: it is embellished by an extraordinary 16th century marble arch, carved in relief depicting God and the Prophets, the result of the workshop of the great Sicilian Renaissance sculpture (1531-1537), that of Antonello and Giacomo Gagini, together with the polychrome marble covering (17th century). The fulcrum of the chapel is the fourteenth-century Madonna and Child, attributed to Nino Pisano, placed on the altar and at whose feet there is a silver reproduction of the city (1693). Another chapel is dedicated to the patron saint of Trapani, S. Alberto, whose eighteenth-century statue is carried in procession on August 7.
via Conte A. Pepoli 178
91100 Trapani (TP)
7.00-12.00 16.00-19.00